Get a jump on your library technology career

Register now for the Library Technology Career Jumpstart Program to debut August 2020

The NC State University Libraries offers its Library Technology Career Jumpstart Program on August 10-14, 2020. Registration is now open for this new, immersive, all-expenses-paid, week-long experience that will help to position first-year library school students for a career in library technology upon graduation.

Sessions will prepare you to apply and interview for your first library tech job, build a technical portfolio, curate your web presence, and navigate the fast-changing profession. Hands-on workshops will cover tools and methods such as GitHub, Python, database structures, web development, and machine learning. 

In addition to networking with professionals currently working in library technology, all participants will be paired with a librarian mentor for the week based on their interests, and pairs will have the opportunity to get to know one another through scheduled lunches and other activities. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn more about how technology has transformed the NC State University Libraries through scheduled tours and project showcases.

To apply for the program, or to find out more about the schedule, travel, and accommodations, visit the Jumpstart Program site. Deadline for applications is Tuesday, March 31, 2020. No technical expertise is required to be accepted to the program.

Contact Tori Culler ( for more information about the program.

The NC State University Libraries seeks applicants who share our Libraries’ strategic values that include Diversity, Access, Experimentation, Agility, Collaboration, and Delight. Applicants are encouraged to share how these values play a part in their experiences and professional goals. For more on the Libraries’ values, visit our Libraries’ Diversity & Inclusion Statement.